Monday, February 21, 2011

Picture Perfect

House and home magazines are for me today what fashion magazines were to me in my 20's.  I scour through each one page by page and wonder how these people have such clean homes, free of clutter, and free of the millions of tiny plastic Polly Pocket accessories.  Instead of wishing I were a size 6 (because after two children, that dream has died), I now wish my house was picture perfect. You know... matching baskets lined perfectly in freshly painted cabinets, drapes that match my dining room seat cushions, neatly folded monogrammed towels, a clean kitchen with bowls of fresh produce ripe and ready to eat, and more importantly a kitchen free of red laminate countertops (yes, you read correctly).  This list could go on and on.
But, as I celebrate my baby's 1st birthday and see how fast time gets away from me each day, I realize that one day all of my wishing will become reality.  With a clean and uncluttered house, there comes the silence of an empty nest.  So I will embrace my unfinished "money pit" of a house that is home to two beautiful children and sigh at those clean picture-perfect homes.   I hope that these people have warmth and joy in their homes like we do.  Have a happy week and Happy Birthday, Audrey.

House Beautiful - If orange was allowed in my house (which it is not), the couch is such an awesome color.  

Southern Living - What an inviting outdoor living space.  Can't wait to fix up our porch for the warmer temps.

House Beautiful - If I did this in the girls bathroom, there would be no way the baskets would stay let alone be neatly organized.

 House Beautiful -  Ahhh, one can dream for their dream kitchen.

Southern Living -  I see no children which must be why it is clean.

Southern Living - I have these chairs and now want to paint them white and recover them.  Husband is not happy.

House Beautiful - Love the white bathroom, but who has neatly folded towels not only in 1 location, but 2!! 

Southern Living - A big girl room for Audrey?

House Beautiful - Like the quirkiness of this bulletin board in an eat in kitchen.

House Beautiful - this would never fly in our house, but I like the contrast colors.

House Beautiful - love the chocolate brown, zebra print, and Burberry plaid chairs.

I could post days worth of pictures, but these are a few rooms that inspired me.  I do hope to do before and after pictures of our home in the future.  Until then, enjoy browsing and dreaming of whatever is "picture perfect" to you! 


  1. Thank you for helping me to appreciate my gray laminate counter tops that have gorilla glue stuck on them from some past project. Did you know dried gorilla glue looks like snot? It's a lovely feature of my kitchen along with all the chipped paint from scooters and wiggle cars. You are right in that our peace and quiet and cleanliness will come all too soon, then we'll yearn for the chaos once again. Happy Birthday, Audrey!
    Miss you, Kristen

  2. Ok, I know I'm WAY late reading this, but I have dark blue laminate counters, so I feel your pain, sis!
